The Mantrayana of Tirumular
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morukuuddiR pukkuc cukikkalaam
madavaar nayntudanee varum
paasac cudar paampu niiGkidum
tirukuuttin cuukkuman taanee
we recite the panjsaksaras si-vaa-ya-na-ma in the ways described above, it is
possible to become free of the physical body and enter inhabit and enjoy the
various mantra bodies that are also available. And because of the attainments
of various kinds of Siddhies or Psychic Powers such as the above and also
iicattuvam and vacittuvam, many excellent females will be attracted
irresistibly. Since their company develops PURE LOVE, the sexual libido will be
transmuted and he Snake that implants this will be depart not shining within
anymore. Such a person will also UNDERSTAND the dance of BEING faultlessly and
will keep on articulating it to the world.
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eNNaayiranj cepittaalumeeR
maana vaziidaik kaaNalaanj
maana vinaiyinaik kedukkalaanj
maana civanatu aanantamee
and above the Gross Si-vaa-ya-na-ma, there is the subtle variety of it that
regulates the cognitive processes of the mind and which on being recited a
thousand times accompanied with reflections on its functions, there will come
about illuminations there would clarify which is the true WAY of enlightenment,
the Sanmaarkkam.Now as one progresses in this WAY, the inherent prejudices
(vinaikaL) that distort and arrest thinking will be destroyed and the mind
freed of their hold. At that point the anma will reach Tillai, the abode of
Siva and enjoy the Bliss that He enjoys, viz. the Bliss that is non-diminishing
and fully satiating
life is NOT one of sufferings after sufferings with no pleasures at all. There
is JOY in it provided we go about the right way. But what is WAY?
explains the matter in the above as well as in a few verse that follow.
recitation of mantra brings the anma closer and closer to BEING whose authentic
form is Siva-Sakti, the Male-Female complex. Because of this the final way of
BEING in the world is NOT that of a recluse who practices asceticism for fear
or indifference or hatred of the female. Bramahcariya or ascetic way of life is
only temporary, a kind of penance for purifying the soul. The authentic life is
a life where man and woman live together. As one ascends the metaphysical
ladder, at the higher reaches the female company comes to prevailfor a man in
which there is only Pure Love that is non possessive and only CARING. Existence
in such a way of life is the sure way to free oneself from the sexual libido ,
the snake, that creates the ego and along with it acquisitiveness and possessiveness.
And now the inner conditions free of this sexuality but full of Caring Love,
makes the anma fit for witnessing the Dance of BEING and the anma having that
fully in its vision will articulate that and nothing else for the world to know.
it is also indicated there is another kind of happiness - the Sivaanantam
- that is even beyond this social happiness. As the above. BEING is always in
non-diminishing and fully satiating Bliss, the Sivaanantam.This state of Being
can be attained by reciting the Suukkuma Panjcaatsaram, the five syllables that
ordain the cognitive processes as opposed to the world processes, the functions
of Tuula Panjsaatsara. As one recites this mantra thousands of times reflecting
all along the way it functions in the mind, it is possible to destroy the
PREJUDICES that are inherently present distorting, confining and arresting the
cognitive functioning. Freed of these, mind is expanded, universalized and made
truly OBJECTIVE and which earns the entry into Tillai, the abode of Siva which
is also the Final Home for the soul. The attainment of the Final Residence, the
Home Coming brings along with it the Bliss of Siva Himself as the bliss of the
Mantrayana of Tirumular
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aanantam onRu enRu aRaintida
aanantam aa-ii-uu-ee-oom enRu aRaintu idam
aanantam anjcumatu aayidum
aanantam am-hriim am-ksam aam aakumee
the anma transcends even the thousand petalled Lotus, it will be non alien with
BEING, the Ever Blissful and the flooding bliss in the interior of the soul
with give rise to spontaneous outpourings of divine lyrics. Such lyrics will be
agitated by the aksaras aa-ii-uu-ee-oom. At this point the mantras
na-ma-si-vaa-ya that have been ruling the mind will coalesce with the above
establishing only the state of immense bliss. Then as further experiences of
this Divine Bliss are continued, there will come to prevail the asaba mantras
am-hiriim and am-ksam-aam that will install the Bliss of Deep Silence
The higher
reaches of the inward metaphysical journey are one of joy and happiness and NOT
at all one of sufferings and sadness. BEING is Wholly Blissful and the anma
becomes blissful only by being one-with such a BEING. This is what happens as
one recites the subtle version of the mantra na-ma-si-vaa-ya with the
understanding of how they configure the mind by regulating the cognitive
processes. The untamable stream of consciousness forever creating an inner
stress with implanting an unchanging flow of the the-tic consciousness, is
transcended when the anma attains the mantra world described as the Sahasra
TaLam, the location of the thousand petalled Lotus, the originating source of
everything divine. When the soul transcends even this, it liberates itself
completely from the phenomenal world and at which point it has only BEING as
the GROUND to be with and sustain itself.
Bliss of Sivaanantam comes to flood the soul and which also become the
substance of moving divine lyrics such as Tiruvaacakam and so forth and in
which there is NO ego at all but only an egoless spontaneity.
comes to prevail the asaba mantras, the mantras that lift up the soul even to
higher grounds, the Tillai Ambalam itself and where, impossible of speech of
whatever kind, the anma enjoys the Supreme Bliss of being totally one-with
BEING and in Deep Silence.
Mantrayana of Tirumular
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iraNdum vilaGkaamal meeRkoLLa
irandum mikku aar avikaariyaa
irandum uu-aa-ii-ee-oo enRu
irandum ii-oo-uu-aa-ee- kuuttatee.
the gross physical body and the subtle mantra body of the anma become one and
function without obstructing each other and shine forth in full brilliance and
without suffering any changes by the intrusion of worldly desires, there will
come to prevail the mantras of Supreme Bliss uu-aa-ii-ee-oo. These mantras will
dances changing cyclically generating all the different shades of this Bliss
sivaayanama masivaa aayidum
ii-uu-aa-ee-oom-sivaayanama vaayiduG
kuuttee ii-uu-aa-ee-oom-sivayanama
i-uu-aa-ee-oom-namacivaaya kooL onRumaaRee
mantra complexes do not move on their own and it is the DANCE of BEING that
moves them and because of which the si-vaa-ya-na-ma changes in the cyclic manner.
It is also the DANCE that installs the attainment of Civattuvam by getting rid
of all the prejudices that issues forth because of si-vaa-ya-na-ma and that in
turn leads to the presence of mantras of Supreme Bliss, the ii-uu-aa-ee-oom. It
is also the Dance that confers the Absolute Understanding, the Sivanjaanam and
the enjoyment of Supreme Bliss as the two fundamental needs that become united
as one.
is pointed out the mantras do not move either cyclically and in that also bring
about the higher mantras of Supreme Bliss and it is only because of the DANCE
of BEING that all these happen. And they are directed not only towards
exclusively enjoying Sivanjanam, the Absolute Understanding or Bliss Supreme
but rather both together. The enjoyment ofBliss Supreme, the deep desire of all
creatures, is NOT possible unless Absolute Understanding is also attained, the
enjoyment of happiness goes along with becoming more and more illuminated. The
ignorant mind can never ever attain even am iota of Bliss Supreme.
is also pointed out that mere recitation of mantras even thousands of times
will NOT on its own be effective. For the mantras are inert on their own - they
do not get permutated cyclically on their own and hence do not also make it
possible the presence of higher mantras. Behind such movements lies the Kuutu,
the DANCE of BEING and hence we
have to
gain His GRACE -- it is impossible to enjoy consciousness being formed by
higher mantras unless we are engraced. Along with reciting the mantras in the
prescribed manner, we have to also worship BEING to gain His grace.
have to
note that
the seeking of Bliss Supreme will go along with the gaining of metaphysical
illuminations, the deepening of UNDERSTANDING and this if we are graced by
BEING Himself. One can be happy only if one destroys the metaphysical ignorance
and this is possible only the Grace of BEING is gained. The prejudiced
individuals - and the religions of the world are full of them- cannot enjoy
this Bliss Supreme as they still harbor metaphysical ignorance in their bosom
Mantrayana of Tirumular
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iraNdu aada oor onRum udan aada
muunRu aada orrezum ottaada
aadavoor onpatum udan aada
aadinaan maNikkak kuuttee
instead of remaining the Makayogi, totally ABOVE and UNINVOLVED as the
Cutacattan, because of the Grace (aruL) inherent to Him, becomes Saktiuttan,
the primordial Man-Woman duality and dances the Dance of generation-destruction
and because of which there comes to be the world and everything in it. At that
point the Primordial Logos Om that remains undifferentiated also dances along,
acquiring movement and because of which it now differentiates into a-u-m. This
in turn generates the panjcaakkara mantra na-ma-ci-vaa-ya and which gives joy
along with metaphysical illumination to all the creatures bringing forth the
mantra complex ii-uu-aa-ee-om-nama-civaaya, with the seven aksaras. And BEING
because of these nine mantra forms appears as the root archetypes Siva Sakti
VishNu Brahma Cataacivan Rudra Meheswara Natam and Bindu and which forms dance
as BEING Himself in Tillai, the Original Ground of all, the undying Dance that
would take all the anmas towards Moksa!
from the Sumerian days we can see Hindu thinking has been developing along
Vaishnavism and Saivism, the former favoring structuralism and the latter a
dynamism but both in complementary relationship. While Vaishnavism sought to
incorporate Saiva notions within the notion of the Most Inclusive Totality,
BEING as the Most Comprehensive Whole, the Totality ABOVE which there is
nothing (Namazvar: uyarvaRa uyar nalam udaiyavan), Saivism looks at the matter
within the notion of BEING is the Primordial Power, the source of the Dynamics
that is so visible in the world.
BEING could be totally aloof and
above all, there is nothing to compel Him to be otherwise. However within Him
resides aruL, inseparable from Him just like light is inseparable from heat.
Out of His own Will there emerges the primordial archetypal form of Man-Woman,
the Father- Mother form, the Adam-Eve, the most primordial biological complex and
with which begins the dance of generation-destruction-generation and so forth.
From the pre-existent but non-manifest form, there come to be the world and
everything in it. BEING -as-Man dances in tune with BEING-as- Woman and
conversely too and because of which everything come to be PHENOMENAL as opposed
to remaoning NOUMENAL or the non-manifest suukkumai form. In Saivism, there is
no creation in the sense of bring into being something out of nothing. Creation
is only the TRANSFORMATION of something already pre-existent butnon manifest
intothe manifest from. Thus creation is BRINGING INTO PRESENCE, being-there as
such and such from a state of not being so. Similarly destruction is NOT
evaporating as an entity but only resolving into nonmanifest form, the odukkutal.
Perhaps this is the original Theory of Creation
already available in the Sumerian texts themselves but which somehow got
twisted and truncated in Akkadian and Biblical translations. But Saivaite
thinking has remained faithful to the original insight and has adumbrated
further and this verse contains within itself all these positive developments
where Mantrayana is brought in.
When BEING assumes the Man-Woman complex the
Primordial Logos Om begins to dance along while remaining motionless till then.
And only by becoming dynamic this way that it differentiates into a-u-m, the
trisyllable, na-ma-si-vaa-ya, the five syllable and uu-aa-ii-ee-
oom-nama-civaaya and because of which the creatures enjoy bliss along with
illuminations or consciousness. The primordial DARKNESS of the non-manifest or
ABSENT form is destroyed by this provision of the Light of Consciousness and
along with it the Feeling of Joy.
And along with these differentiations and
formations of mantra complexes the APPEARANCE of BEING also get differentiated
and we have the NINE Root Archetypes -- Siva Vishnu Brahma and so forth. These
are the DEITIES that also capture the imagination of man and make him WORSHIP
creating a compulsion within for such a kind disposition but in which he is
FREE also to deny. However this NEGATION, though allowed for, and man is
allowed to be the Prodigal Son, it is also indicated that it is NOT ADVISABLE
for this negation is also closing the metaphysical eyes and thus refusing to
learn and get illuminated. It is also indicated that Bliss that such
individuals seek, is NOT something that can be enjoyed without metaphysical
illuminations, the Civanjaanam.The life of NEGATION is alsolife of self-denial
of understanding and joy.
BEING dances this everlasting Dance of Bliss so
that the anmas can exercise a choice to learn or not to learn but also learn
that it is foolish to choose not to learn. This Dance that is executed in
Tillai, the Home for all, already has implanted in all of us a metaphysical
journey, the Yaattirai, the Pilgrimage unto to this Tillai, the Paradise and be
fully in the presence of BEING.
The mantras, the above complexes and the countless number of
other form they assume,DANCE with BEING and hence with all the deities,to
deliver us, to redeem us, to liberate us and finally let us rest in peace in
the Tillai on attaining which there is no more becoming phenomenal again.
Mantrayana of Tirumular
¾¢ÕÅõÀÄî ºì¸Ãõ Tiruvambalac Cakkaram
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cakkaram (wheel) is meant a square generated by drawing lines
horizontally and vertically and filling the little squares thus created with
aksaras and worshiping BEING in terms of this mantra-wheel. By Tirvambalac
Cakkaram is meant a representation of the DANCE of Bliss of BEING that He
executes with Sakti in the Transcendental Space of Pure Consciousness
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ivvaddaGkaL iiraaRu ireekaikaL
ireekai meel iiraaRu irutti
manaikaLum iiraaRu pattonRu
manaiyonRil eytuvan taanee.
you draw 12 lines vertically and horizontally across the initial square, you
will get 121 square shaped cells. In the cell right at the center of this
Cakkara will appear BEING on His own accord as that aksara itself.
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taan onRi vaaz idam tan ezutteeyaakum
taan onRum annaankum tan peer ezuttaakum
taan onRu naaRkooNan tan aintezuttaakum
taan onRilee onRum avvaran muRai taanee
BEING stands in His most authentic form in the
aksara ‘si’. He stands as the Deep Structure of the aksaras vaa-ya-na-ma and on
which account they become the NAME for BEING. Thus BEING stands as the total
reality in His presentational and authentic forms as these five aksaras, Si in
the center and the rest in the four corners of the square cakra. This way in
which He stands one-with these aksaras is the way BEING makes Himself manifest
in the world.
At the deepest and the most authentic level BEING
discloses Himself through the Mantras and because of which He is said to have
the mantras as His body (mantrat tirumeeni) We get to understand the essence of
BEING only when we contemplate Him with His mantra form.
Of His mantra bodies the closest to His essence is
the mantra si-vaa-ya-na-ma and which is figured as a square with ‘si’ located
in the center and the remaining aksaras at the four corners. This is to
indicate the BEING-in-Itself and BEING-for-Other or what are called the
coruubalakkaNam and tadatta lakkaNam and which constitutes the full
understanding of BEING.
‘si’ is also the aksaras of Pure Light as it is the the Power that pierces
through the Darkness and let there be the light of consciousness. The remaining
aksaras are the forms BEING assumes for the sake of informing of Himself to the
creatures and hence in a way inauthentic. However as they allow the creatures
to intuit the authentic nature of BEING, they function like NAMES for BEING
Mantrayana of Tirumular
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arakara enna ariyatu onRillai
arakara enna aRikilar maantar
arakara enna amararum aavar
arakara enna aRumpiRappu anRee
BEING is both manifest ‘aran’ and the concealed
‘karan’.Even though it is the case that by reciting this mantra ’arakara’ (or
in practice arookaraa) there is nothing impossible to attain there are many
still ignorant of it.Now while the disclosed form is Siva and the undisclosed
or concealed form is Sivai, the Woman, it should be known that by reciting this
mantra death is defeated and though gaining Sivanjaanam, existential repetition
is also overcome immediately.
It is a common practice among the Saivites to this
day to utter “arookaraa” rather quite loudly in moments of great spiritual
excitement during some rituals. Perhaps it is from the times of Tirumular that
this practice became so well entrenched among the Saivites.
‘eri” and so forth
and of which ‘ari’ is another variant. This word ‘ari” also means daybreak as
in Malay hari: day. When it became restricted to VishNu perhaps ‘aran’ came to
be used for Siva with BEING as a whole noted as “aran-ari”, the Radiant who
appears both as Siva and VishNu.
The word ‘kara’ is a variant of ‘kar’, darkness or
hiddenness. Thus ‘kara’ as opposed to ‘ara’ is the concealed aspects of BEING
as well as the WOMAN, the Sivai who is the concealed as well as the Mysterious
Power within the disclosed. When there is an understanding that there is this
WOMAN (the Mother Goddess) as the Deep Structure underlying everything that is
manifest and the mind accommodates
itself fully to this truth, then BEING will be apprehended as
‘ara-kara’ the Disclosed-Concealed, the Open- Hidden, the Man-Woman, Father-
Mother and so forth.
In this understanding of BEING as Androgynous, as
Siva-Sakti lies the secrets of overcoming death as well as attaining
Sivanjaanam that would put an end to the endless existential repetition.For the
recognition of the presence of the Woman, the Sakti and worship of BEING as
such would bring the soul closer to the Woman and hence the cauldron of
Kundalini, the boundless Pot of Psychic Energy. Thus through the recitation of
this mantra it becomes possible to gain an endless flow of Kundalini and thus
the kaRpam or medicine that would ensure good health and longevity.
But this Woman is also the Paan Mozi, the source of
the mantras of metaphysical illuminations. And hence the one who recites this
mantra will also be engraced by this woman as Maha Sarawathy and so forth and
hence get to enjoy more and more the Sivanjaanam, that which would put an end
to being born again and again endlessly.
Mantrayana of Tirumular
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eddu nilaiayuaLa eGkoon iruppidam
eddinil onRum irumuunRum iireezum
oddiya naatamum vintuvum ooGkidap
paddatu mantiram paanmozi paalee
BEING, my Lord as the One present everywhere
locates Himself in all the eight different directions within and without. And
in all these locations He stands one-with the root mantra na-ma-si-vaa-ya.
Furthermore in various kinds combinations of the Siva Tatvas Natam and Bindu,
He is present also as the NINE saataakkiyas (root archetypes) Brahma VishNu,
Rudra Makesan, Sathaciva Bindu Natam Sakti and Sivan. And here in order to make
available the mantas that would activate the presence of Natam and Bindu in the
mind of the anmas, would generate the various kinds mantras of metaphysical
illuminations through the deity of MahakaLaivaNi (Saraswati)
The word
‘mantra’ in the fourth line above is NOT used in the sense of
aksaras or even a complex of aksaras, the akkara-sakkaram but rather in sense
of Tolkaappiyam -- maRaimozi kiLanta mantiram:
the mantras that would unfold the hidden or unconscious words.
Thus each one the verses in Tirumantiram that we are studying now is a mantra
for it delineates the HIDDEN and CONCEALED understanding, clarify and make an
object of consciousunderstanding what is already there in the Unconscious.
These are intermediate between the ordinary speech of daily discourse and
subterranean world of dreams and mythical experiences. Such philosophical
mantras are the sorts that would bring into the OPEN the content of the
subterranean and thereby make them objects of conscious apprehension and hence
no more something one is ignorant of or aware only the unconscious.In Saivism
this is understood as LEARNING of the gamma-type where one gains Patinjaanam,
an understanding of BEING.
The ‘paanmozi’ also means the same - words that
bring LIGHT (paan, paal) into the mind i.e. metaphysical illuminations. The
word also stands as a name for the female deity, the Goddess of Learning, the
Vak Devi or MakaSarawati, also known as Nisaba in Sumerian times. The word
Nisaba also means speech (saba (> sabtam) that is edifying or uplifting (Ni
> nivar, nimir etc) Sulgi in his Mutariibiyam (hymn B) claims that “ dingir
Nidaba, sig-ga Nidaba-ke, gestu-gizzal-la su dagal-la ma-ni-in-dug’ (The deity
Nidaba, the beautiful Nidaba, with generous hand, provided me with intelligence
and wisdom)
While at the bottommost level BEING pervades the
whole SPACE both physical and metaphysical and as the panjcakkaram
na-ma-si-vaa-ya, He creates the root archetypal forms, the saataakkiyas by
fusing the mantras with the root tatvas, Natam and Bindu the primordial
elements of masculinity and femininity and which exist as the Sivalingkam. The
various kinds of mantras act on this, presenting or suppressing the proportions
of Natam and Bindu and thereby creating the sataakkiyas above which are also
worshipped as the Great Deities (as opposed to minor ones)
Maha Saraswati emerges here as secondary deity (in
mythologies she is made the consort of Brahma, the Veetan) who would implant
the paanmozi, the philosophical mantras that would seize the soul and force
into the mind deep metaphysical insights and thereby enable the soul LEARN more
and more about BEING.
Mantrayana of Tirumular
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maddaviz taamarai maatu nallaaLudan
oddi irunta upaayam aRikilar
vidda ezuttai vidaata ezuttudan
kadda vallaar uyir kaakka vallaaree.
BEING who stands as the ONE when He stands ABOVE
all also stands one-with the good WOMAN who manifests Herself as the Lotus that
oozes honey so that the creatures in the world would also enjoy happiness. But
unfortunately except for Sivanjanies, the others remain ignorant of this (and
hence opt for asceticism) But those who understand this mystery and learn to
bring together the aksara ukaaram of Natam and the aksara akaaram of Bindu and
thereby let there be in their self the Primordial Logos A-U-M, will also know
how to safe their self from various kinds of miseries untimely and premature
death and so forth.
The theme of the dance of Bliss that Siva dances
with Sakti, that is being described so extensively here by Tirumular is perhaps
as ancient as Dravidian civilization itself. The same notion is available in
the SumeroTamil account of Paradise as in the following lines, a detailed study
of which has already been posted. The following lines are given again to
reinforce this notion:
7. as-ni-ne (alone) dilmun (KI)-a (in
Dilmun) u-ne-in-nad (they lay)
8. ki (The place) *en-ki (where Enki)
dam-an-ni-da (with his wife) ba-an-da-nad-a-ba (laid himself down)
9. ki-bi (that place) sikil-am (is
clean) ki-bi (that place) za(lag)-zalag-ga-am (is bright)
10. ki (the place) *en-ki (where
Enki) nin-sikil-la (with Ninsikilla) ba-an-da-nad-a-ba (laid himself
aasninee Tilmun-a uunee nadiyin ( Alone in Tilmun they danced)
kiiz Enkii tamanitaodu paNyidu nadi abba ( When Enki with His wife executed the
Dance (of Bliss) )
kiizbi sukkil aam kiilbi salaGsalagkaam ( the lpalce is pure and full of
musical sounds)
kiiz Enkii Nin sukkilla paNNidu nadam abba ( The place (is so) when Enki with
His consort the Pure Woman executes the Dance)
The ‘asnine’ here is the ‘aatininee’, the
Primordial Pair and they alone are said to dance (nad.i) in Tilmun, the Tillai
ManRu, the Home where everything is originated. Here BEING is Enkii (Enkiiz)
the Lord of the World and which notion is rendered as Sakti-uttan in the Saiva
Agamas, BEING-one-with-the-Woman, the ‘tam-aaniitu’, His consort. BEING as such
dances the dance, paNNidu nadam, there (aba>avva) with His consort who is
Ninsikil aam, the Woman of Purity. This dance produces the music of the little
bells worn at the feet, the salaGkai (zalag-ga) which metaphorically stands for
a life in good health and hence one of happiness and longevity.
This text dated to around 2500 B.C. and most
probably descriptive of the conditions prevailing in Dilmun (which is
perhaps the Indus Valley Civilization) is remembered here and given a
Mantrayana explanation. The Pure Woman, Ninsikil-la (Nin sukkillam) understood
here as Lotus of Honey is Pure Bindu, the Kundalini, the Cauldron of Power and
whose aksara is the ‘aa”, that which requires the opening of the mouth (and
hence vidda ezuttu). Another variant of this is the aksara uu-kaaram, that
which is uttered with rounding the lips and hence without opening the mouth,
the vidaata ezutttu. While this uukaaram is the expression of Pure Natam, the
primordial power that thrusts forward and also known as the Phalus shaped
Pillar (Su. tun Ta.tuuN), the akaaram is that of Pure Bindu, the Cauldron of
Power or Kundalini, the Peedam or the circular pedestal for the Lingkam, the
pillar that stands on it. It is the bringing together both of these that
produces the a-u-m, the Primordial Logos and from which are produced or brought
into being-there the whole world and everything in it, metaphorically
described as the musical sounds of happiness as well the honey of pleasant
When a person succeeds in having this dance well
within his body and self, he will enjoy an undying of which there will be a
continuous supply of Kundalini, the Power underlying the productive processes
and hence youthful vitality, agility and productivity. A man, as an
expression of Natam, and a woman as the expression of Bindu, must live together
and DANCE, interact meaningfully to enjoy a life where there will a continuous
supply of Kundalini, the Psychic Power that provides youthful vitality
necessary for both physical prowess and mental creativity.